Framtiden av Ortodonti: Gomvidgning, Mewing och Näsandning

In the ever-evolving world of healthcare, the field of orthodontics is poised to undergo a transformative shift. As we delve deeper into the underlying causes of crooked teeth and misaligned jaws, a new paradigm is emerging that challenges the traditional approach to orthodontic treatment. At the heart of this revolution lies the recognition that the key to achieving optimal dental and facial aesthetics lies not just in straightening the teeth, but in addressing the root cause: the development of the palate, the importance of nasal breathing, correct tongue posture and other myofunctional habits.
This doesn’t however just affect facial & dental aesthetics - because health is beauty and beauty is health - a wider palate increases oxygen intake and makes the nasal cavities wider, promoting healthy breathing, oxygenation of ALL cells and tissues in your body, better cognition, and more.
(Follow @s4ndgra1ns on X - he's a smart ass nerd on this topic always learning new things, recommended!)
A Narrow Palate: The Culprit Behind Crooked Teeth
For years, the conventional wisdom in orthodontics has been that crooked teeth are primarily the result of genetic factors or poor dental habits. However, a growing body of research suggests that the true culprit may be a much more fundamental issue: the development of the palate, or the roof of the mouth. This also often coincides with a deviated septum, as often one side of the face develops better than the other, causing worse airflow through one of the nostrils.
Palatal expansion, a technique that widens the palate, has been gaining traction as a game-changer in the field of orthodontics. By addressing the underlying issue of a narrow palate, this approach can not only straighten teeth but also improve overall facial aesthetics, respiratory function and deviated septum.
The Importance of Nasal Breathing
Closely tied to the development of the palate is the critical role of nasal breathing. Proper nasal breathing is essential for optimal oxygen intake, which in turn supports the growth and development of the facial structures, including the palate and jaws.
When individuals breathe through their mouths, either due to nasal obstruction or habit, the palate may fail to develop to its full potential, leading to a narrow, high-arched palate. This narrow palate then contributes to the crowding and misalignment of the teeth, as well as other issues such as sleep-disordered breathing and even facial asymmetry.
How to Enhance Your Nasal Breathing
Something which has been on the rise in the healthy community of social media recently is nasal strips or nasal dilators. If of good quality, these increase air flow through the nose by 30% or more - relieving allergies or seasonal runny nose - PREVENTING your nostrils from getting clogged and thereby promoting nasal breathing. Wear them whenever you feel like it. It’s actually a game changer. Particularly if you have a deviated septum, you’re really missing out if you haven’t given nasal strips a try.
Elevate your exercise performance, increase your airflow and enhance your breathing during the day, when hiking or going for a walk—or most notably, during sleep - preventing mouth breathing and relieving conditions like snoring or sleep disordered breathing, thereby enhancing both your sleep, health and facial aesthetics in the long term.
We are actually releasing Premium Nasal Strips in the future, so stay tuned! Like the name suggests, they will be of premium quality—100% drug free so they don’t irritate your skin, and of high quality & durability— enabling you to wear it all day, without it falling of.
Other things you can look into is increasing your Co2 tolerance through breathing exercises like Buteyko Breathing, as well as overall fitness & endurance though regular walking, jogging and/or running.
The Mewing Revolution
At the forefront of this paradigm shift in orthodontics is the work of Dr. Mike Mew, a British orthodontist who has championed the concept of "mewing" – the practice of maintaining proper tongue posture and nasal breathing.
Mewing, which involves gently pressing the tongue against the roof of the mouth, encourages the natural development of the palate and jaws. By training individuals to breathe through their noses and maintain this tongue posture from a young age, Mew believes that many of the common orthodontic issues, such as crooked teeth and narrow palates, can be prevented or even reversed.
This can also be combined with other myofunctional therapy techniques which can train muscles in your mouth and face to move in ways that support eating, breathing, swallowing and more. A provider can guide you through a series of exercises that strengthen muscles and increase your awareness of facial movements.
The Rise of Palatal Expansion Devices
Alongside the mewing movement, advancements in palatal expansion devices have made this transformative treatment more accessible than ever before. These devices, which are worn over a period of time to gradually widen the palate, are proving to be a game-changer in the field of orthodontics.
One such device, the Homeoblock, has gained significant attention for its ability to not only expand the palate but also improve nasal breathing and facial aesthetics. By addressing the root cause of the issue, these devices offer a holistic approach to orthodontic treatment, with the potential to reduce the need for traditional braces and even improve overall health outcomes.
There are also mouth guards you can sleep with during and use an hour or two during the day, to expand your skull and improve tons of health related issus, two such examples are ToothPillow and Reviv. You can read more on other alternatives for expansion devices here.
It's particulalry easy for kids (i.e. 5-15) to get such treatments as their skulls are far from fully developed, and therefore very malleable. It's also possible for adults, but takes more time as the skull is less malleable.
In a very far future, we might just open our own Invigo Orthodontic Clinics, having all the best options for palatal expansion and more.
The Future of Orthodontics: A Holistic Approach
As the understanding of the importance of palatal development and nasal breathing continues to evolve, the future of orthodontics is poised to shift towards a more comprehensive, holistic approach. Instead of simply straightening teeth, the focus will be on addressing the underlying structural and functional issues that contribute to dental and facial misalignment.
This shift will not only lead to more effective and long-lasting results but also have far-reaching implications for overall health and well-being. By improving nasal breathing and promoting proper facial development, these new orthodontic approaches have the potential to address a wide range of issues, from sleep-disordered breathing to TMJ disorders and even cognitive function.
The Importance of Early Intervention
One of the key aspects of this future-focused approach to orthodontics is the emphasis on early intervention. By addressing palatal development and nasal breathing habits in childhood, we can prevent many of the common orthodontic issues from ever occurring, leading to a healthier, more aesthetically pleasing facial structure.
This proactive approach not only saves patients from the time and expense of traditional orthodontic treatments but also sets them up for a lifetime of improved respiratory function, better sleep, and enhanced overall health.
Embracing the Change
As the field of orthodontics continues to evolve, it is essential that both healthcare professionals and the general public embrace this paradigm shift. By understanding the importance of palatal development and nasal breathing, we can empower individuals to take a more active role in their own oral and overall health.
Through education, advocacy, and the continued advancement of palatal expansion and mewing techniques, we can unlock a future where crooked teeth and misaligned jaws are no longer the norm, but rather the exception. By addressing the root cause of these issues, we can not only transform the field of orthodontics but also improve the quality of life for countless individuals.
The future of orthodontics is here, and it is time to embrace the power of palatal expansion, mewing, myofynctional therapy and nasal breathing. Together, we can pave the way for a healthier, more beautiful, and more functional future for all.